PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Economical Education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)
Miss Randall- PSHE and RSE Lead
PSHE and RSE at Swanwick Primary School
At Swanwick Primary School, the aim is to support children to feel a strong sense of belonging and community. In PSHE and RSE we use a scheme called Jigsaw.
Jigsaw is a carefully thought - through progressive programme with a full set of attainment descriptors and an assessment process embedded throughout.
As a whole school approach, our children take part in whole-school assemblies each half term, and engage in theme days such as Hello Yellow, Anti-bullying Day and Friendship Week. The children have a display in the hall where their current Jigsaw piece is displayed as well as any celebrations and pictures of their Jigsaw characters. The combination of these plus the sequence of lessons and assessment opportunities provides cohesion across our school community and aims to enrich children’s lives and opportunities outside of school by furthering their personal development.